
How to Become a Great Communicator

Want to be more successful, better liked by your peers, and produce more value in your business? You need to learn to be a great communicator. Boosting your communication skills leads to many benefits in both your personal and business life but it goes further than having the gift of the gab. Here are eight practices that will help you …


5 Ways to Establish Your Credibility as an Entrepreneur.

The value of credibility in business cannot be understated. It is not something that can ever be replaced by clever PR campaigns or a huge advertising budget. When you are launching your own venture or hoping to grow an existing business, your success depends on your ability to establish and maintain credibility. Here are five ways to do just that. …

6 Reasons Every Entrepreneur Should Have a Mentor

Finding a mentor is one of the most effective things you can do to give your career a boost. Don’t believe it? Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and Mark Zuckerberg all wax lyrical about the effect that a great mentor had on their business success. From helping you to achieve both professional and personal growth to becoming a lifelong ally, mentors …

Social Media for Business

5 Ways Your Business Can Benefit From Using Social Media

Communication in the modern world often takes place over social media. Of the 3.4 billion Internet users on the planet, 2.3 billion are active users of social media. As a business owner and entrepreneur, you can’t afford to ignore these numbers. Doing so would mean you miss out on the many available opportunities to use social media for business advantage. …

Business Networking

5 Questions to Ask About Your Business Networking Skills

Ivan Misner, founder and chief visionary officer of the US-based networking organisation BNI, defines business networking as “leveraging your business and personal connections to bring you a regular supply of new business.” The process, while sounding simple enough, can actually prove fairly complex. Effective networking relies on your ability to connect with people and build relationships. It certainly involves more …